Volunteer With Us

Every race we produce needs volunteers.
Individuals - $60 to $120 Race Credit depending on race and availability of volunteers. You can do this at any of our races by simply selecting the race you want and clicking on Volunteer on the page. There you will see if that race needs volunteers and how much you will earn.
Groups - 25 or More $1000 to $1500 Cash Donation to your club, team, church or group for putting together 25 more more people for us to volunteer at an event we produce. We work with you group prior to race day to instruct your group and make sure they know what to do. This is a lot faster fundraiser than selling chocolate or beef jerky. Not every race needs volunteer groups because we often use individuals to fill these spots. If your group is interested in volunteering for $1000 to $1500 please ask us for races we can use your group. info@onhillevents.com
Most volunteer spots are simple with no heavy lifting. It is not that we are trying to give everyone a simple task but we need people for easy duties
Examples of volunteer duties:
- Aid Station Support (Hand out water/Powerade/Etc)
- Racer Turn Aid (Make sure racers turn when they need to and stay on course)
- Finish Line Food
- Finish Line Medals hand out
- Timing Help(Sometimes we need people to mark a tablet)
- Camera (Take pictures at finish or course)
- Other options as well.
All volunteer credit must be earned at a previous event; you cannot volunteer at the same race you want to use your race credit for.